Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tips on Leveling from 50 - 60 and What is RH all about?~

Before I go to the Tips, I would like to explain what is RH all about.

RH = Returned Hero (Applies to ACCOUNT which was not LOGGED IN for 30 Days or more)
- Can only be applied to the FIRST PICK Character ONLY~
- RH only entitle to 1 Character in the Account
- Has some AWESOME Goodies like Altea and many more.... (I also get 30 slot for Bag+Storage!)
- *Has 100% EXP + DROP RATE Buff even for PARTY MEMBERS!*

RH is one of the best feature in DNSEA right now, I would suggest that if you wanna level up fast, do party with a RH character~

Tips on Leveling from 50 - 60 !!!
- BOOST = Apprentice & Master (Apprentice can leech Master exp, Master can run 50 rounds in dungeon without losing the FTG & duration of weapon will not drop) <---- used to be unlimited in the past....

*To level fast, Boost is always the fastest way, getting a high lvl char to carry you is always the best BUT most of the time Booster always charge people GOLD which is too EXP to go with~*

- FTG (Fatigue) = This bar is always at the bottom right side of your screen in Dragon Nest game, its helps to increase the EXP + DROP RATE when it is still available~ There are 2 FTG bar which is the daily and weekly bar. Daily bar is refilled daily at 9.00am [+8GMT Malaysia/Singapore TIME] while weekly bar is refilled only at Saturday 9.00am [+8GMT Malaysia/Singapore TIME]~

*If Possible try to PARTY with Player that has FTG cause empty FTG = Less EXP! (How to know if the player has no more FTG? Check with the LOOTS after killing a BOSS! Less Loot = No More FTG!)*

- Channel Bonus =  What is Channel Bonus (Its located at the top right of the screen) ??? Its actually a BONUS EXP Buff which is given based on its CHANNEL + LEVEL+TOWN! As you can see above, the Channel List has the level stated there, ALWAYS go to THE CHANNEL which is YR LVL to get the Channel BONUS~

*Tips for Channel Bonus*
~ Before going to dungeon, make sure to go to Saint Haven first for those who are lvl 24-59!
~ Always check if you got the STAR ICON at your TOP RIGHT screen
~ Once you leave the town, the star will disappear but do not fret, it will mention at the end of the run

- From a MAX level Guild there is like a total extra 20% ~ See below Picture:
- Alliance Set = 200G

-MAX Character BONUS:
 ~ Not sure how they count but there is such exp~ :D

- FRIEND: Partying with a Friend have additional exp~

- PARTY = If possible Make a Party of 2 to Spam Meteor Site Crash Boundaries (Located at Riverwort Wharf) Master Mode~ Adding more would make the exp lesser for some reason....

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wahahah I'm Backkkkkk Dragon Nest SEA~

After long time of MISSING! I'm back Dragon Nest SEA at 12/11/2014 WooHoo! My Ayuxi is now LvL 60~ Look at her, ain't she Cute?
To be frank Leveling from LvL50-60 isn't that hard actually... It was very fast especially with the FREE exp scroll 100% given in Lagendia Exp Box, refer to pic below~
Anyways in the next post I shall share some cool tips for Leveling 50-60~

Friday, October 4, 2013

I Can't Believe It!~

After those month without Dragon Nest Sea.... I felt like something is missing... so Yesterday (Thursday 3/10/2013) I decided to come back to Dragon Nest Sea... O.o I was actually quite shock to see that there were people who actually read my blog? xD I guess I better clarify that Dragon Nest Sea had a HUGE change in pricing so the current information is quite OUTDATED except for the Leveling Guide that I first posted in my blog.

I think that I didn't really intro myself and what character I actually play... so I'll show you guys a picture of all my character:
As you can see, I actually played almost ALL of the Academic jobs EXCEPT for ADEPT...
I kinna have this habit where I love to play many same type of job ESPECIALLY the job I love the most to test their ability and skill... I even enjoy making DECORATING character..... its like a Old Habit of Mine... xD

Anyways, sorry to say but I can only reveal my Ayuxi character for now... the reason is simple... I'm trying to avoid being track down... Please DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND... I NEVER or DID NOT hack or scam anyone before in my entire life.... because all of my character is precious to me so I DO NOT enjoy to destroy or Blacklist My Character Name! It just that I want to avoid my character being beg for free golds or stuff.....

Since I just came back, I won't be posting much guide for now.... for now I'll just tell you guys all about me:

Name: Kimie / Ayuxi (My Nickname)
Country: Malaysia
Language that I Learn: Cantonese, Chinese, English (Specialize), Malay 
Favorite Character in DN: Academic
Server: Holywood
Character Owned: Physician LvL50, Shooting Star LvL50, Gear Master LvL50, Engineer LvL50
Main Character: Ayuxi

I guess that's all for now.... I will be updating my blog time to time once I found anything useful in game!~ xD

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What Happen to the Blog?

Recently, I've been very busy in preparing for my exam......
Today I finally able to enter Dragon Nest Sea again and was totally shock to found out that Dragon Nest Sea have release LvL 60 cap??????????
Well... well.... sadly to say, I got very turn off (bored) with Dragon Nest Sea already and I guess my journey at Dragon Nest Sea will end here.....
As for the Blog, I will leave at it and who knows that I'll be back?

Thanks for all who read the blog! =D

Friday, April 12, 2013

Is it worth to OPEN ALTEA BOX for Darkness Weapon & Wings?

First of all, Lets have a Brief Look at the Weapon & Wings!

Oh ya.... Its as what you see above..... VERY AWASOME BONUS there... >.>
How to get it? Simple... Buy the CASH ITEM call ALTEA BOX!
Altea Box gives random stuff like:
- Hair/Eye/Skin Color Pouch (Random Color)
- Random High/Intermediate/Low Code
- Ordinary Alteum/Agate/Diamond
- Random MP/HP/Status Boost Potion (Speed/Increase Critical/Stun and ETC)
- All Rare/Epic at LvL 24/32/40/50 Vortex Pouch (100% success in craft)
- Yellow/Black Wings (Movement Spd 10%)
- Blue/Yellow/White Tail (Magic/Physical Atk)
- Cash Ring/Earring got Normal/Magic
- Random Decal (Untradeable)
- Random amount Item Protection Magic Jelly
- Random amount Magnifier Glasses
- Random amount Seal Stamp
- Others like Mount/Weapon is ONLY EVENT ITEM! (Depend on the Game Developer)

Note: Maybe I miss out something........ but its mostly all these stuff........

Back to our question, is it worth getting?
Now now, do note at the beginning when the special altea item was release, there is a high chance of getting it if you are quick enough to spam the altea box, but as time pass by the item will be like a jackpot... =.=

Day 1: Open 20 box = Common Wing & Tail no Weapon at all..... others are rubbish
Day 2: Open 30 box = Rings & Earrings..... others are rubbish
Day 3: Open 40 box = 2 Decal, 1 Darkness Weapon (Finally!), Wing & Tail.... Others are rubbish
Day 4: Open 60 box = 1 Decal, Wing, Ring & Earring.... TOO MUCH RUBBISH
Day 5: Check my Bank Account Balance and Cry.....


Its your choice to try but dun ever regret.......
1 Darkness Weapon is useless... no point getting it at all if you just aim for one because the bonus effect is so AWESOME!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

[NEST] Playing Defense or Attack?

Defense or Attack?
This is a common question in Dragon Nest.....
But do note that IT IS POSSIBLE to play DODGE in Nest.

For Me:
Job with good def like Saint & Barbarian can play Atk
Job with low def MUST go for Defense

Why? Job with low Defense especially Mage imagine if you slipped your movement and got hit by one of the Boss Skill? 1 Hit KO? Whats the Point of playing High Attack when you got yourself killed so Fast?

The reason of playing Defense is to make sure you continue the game not getting yourself kill in 1 hit..... Think about it carefully.... Defense is indeed VERY IMPORTANT in NEST

Kali is Coming to Dragon Nest SEA FINALLY?!

As the title mention, the long awaited job is finally coming to Dragon Nest SEA!
Kali can become either Screamer or Dancer at LvL 15
Screamer: Uses Fan and their attack are mostly in Magic
Dancer: Uses Chakram and their attack are mostly in Physical

So... What is so nice about this job?
Well, well.... Based on what some players from CDN and KDN discuss:
- OP Character aka OverPower Character
- Sexy Character? Yay its the BOOBS I'm telling ya!
- Skills are much more flasher, more impact?
- New Character Influence... Try for fun LOL!

After playing Kali for 3 Weeks:
- Screamer is like Mage
- Dancer is like Acrobat
- Overall is Fun & Fresh

BUT! ..... I gave up at LvL 30 because I still love my Academic More! =D