Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tips on Leveling from 50 - 60 and What is RH all about?~

Before I go to the Tips, I would like to explain what is RH all about.

RH = Returned Hero (Applies to ACCOUNT which was not LOGGED IN for 30 Days or more)
- Can only be applied to the FIRST PICK Character ONLY~
- RH only entitle to 1 Character in the Account
- Has some AWESOME Goodies like Altea and many more.... (I also get 30 slot for Bag+Storage!)
- *Has 100% EXP + DROP RATE Buff even for PARTY MEMBERS!*

RH is one of the best feature in DNSEA right now, I would suggest that if you wanna level up fast, do party with a RH character~

Tips on Leveling from 50 - 60 !!!
- BOOST = Apprentice & Master (Apprentice can leech Master exp, Master can run 50 rounds in dungeon without losing the FTG & duration of weapon will not drop) <---- used to be unlimited in the past....

*To level fast, Boost is always the fastest way, getting a high lvl char to carry you is always the best BUT most of the time Booster always charge people GOLD which is too EXP to go with~*

- FTG (Fatigue) = This bar is always at the bottom right side of your screen in Dragon Nest game, its helps to increase the EXP + DROP RATE when it is still available~ There are 2 FTG bar which is the daily and weekly bar. Daily bar is refilled daily at 9.00am [+8GMT Malaysia/Singapore TIME] while weekly bar is refilled only at Saturday 9.00am [+8GMT Malaysia/Singapore TIME]~

*If Possible try to PARTY with Player that has FTG cause empty FTG = Less EXP! (How to know if the player has no more FTG? Check with the LOOTS after killing a BOSS! Less Loot = No More FTG!)*

- Channel Bonus =  What is Channel Bonus (Its located at the top right of the screen) ??? Its actually a BONUS EXP Buff which is given based on its CHANNEL + LEVEL+TOWN! As you can see above, the Channel List has the level stated there, ALWAYS go to THE CHANNEL which is YR LVL to get the Channel BONUS~

*Tips for Channel Bonus*
~ Before going to dungeon, make sure to go to Saint Haven first for those who are lvl 24-59!
~ Always check if you got the STAR ICON at your TOP RIGHT screen
~ Once you leave the town, the star will disappear but do not fret, it will mention at the end of the run

- From a MAX level Guild there is like a total extra 20% ~ See below Picture:
- Alliance Set = 200G

-MAX Character BONUS:
 ~ Not sure how they count but there is such exp~ :D

- FRIEND: Partying with a Friend have additional exp~

- PARTY = If possible Make a Party of 2 to Spam Meteor Site Crash Boundaries (Located at Riverwort Wharf) Master Mode~ Adding more would make the exp lesser for some reason....

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