Sunday, March 17, 2013

[Holywood] Best Way to Enhance Your LvL50 Weapon & Amours!


First of all, ALWAYS look at the CODE PRICE!
1x LvL 50 HIGH Agate Code is around 180g
Clean LvL 50 Amour = 100g-300g
Nice Potted LvL 50 Amour = 250g-500g
Now! Many player might not realize it but some Weapon & Amour with Nice Potential is sold in Trading House and is VERY CLOSE to a Clean one.So why waste your money in CODE? Just go and buy the nice potted Weapon & Amour in Trading House!

Do note Code is a gamble:
Mega Lucky Player = Use 1x Code and get a GODLY Status 
Lucky Player = Use 1x Code and got the Status you want.
Unlucky Player = Use 10x Code and still couldn't get the Status you want
SUPER Unlucky Player = Use 20x Code and Still couldn't get the Status you want
(Note: There was time I WASTED 23 CODE [wasted 4k Gold] on one of my amour......)

Please be aware that all code have MANY MIX status... so its like 1/10 chance to get the one you REALLY want!

Why is it not worth Hunting?
The answer is simple:
-Its hard & take very long time to finish when soloing an ABYSS dungeon alone especially at LvL50
-When you're in a party, the Loot is Distributed. Most player will press Y!
-Long process time

Note: Item Protection Jelly can PROTECT the enchantment of your weapon & amour BUT Does NOT protect your weapon & amour from DOWNGRADING.....

+1 to +6 will NOT make your weapon & amour break but DOWNGRADE is POSSIBLE

Downgrade (Depending on the Amour & Weapon Level, low lvl occur at +7 high lvl is at +4):

IN HOLYWOOD, 1x Item Protection Jelly = 50g BUT upgrading consume MORE than 1 Item protection Jelly!

Note (LvL50 Totem Set):
-When +7 REQUIRE 11 Item Protection Jelly
-There is Chance on Downgrade starting from +4

Rather then wasting 11x Item Protection Jelly I prefer to BUY 2 Same POT Amour & Weapon and UPGRADE BOTH of them... Why?
Maths Time!
(x11 Protection Jelly = 550 GOLD and it doesn't means you will 100% pass... )
Don't you think getting other same pot is much cheaper?

The catch is here:
Since using Item Protection might fail so why I need to waste my Item Protect Jelly? Why not just get other Same Pot and enchants it together?

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